Araştırma Merkezi (ENÇESU)

Our buildings are in accordance with various national standards:

İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası:

Kıbrıs Türk Mühendis ve Mimar Odaları Birliği:

Based on the following protocol our university as a body build new buildings to sustainable standards:

Kıbrıs Türk Mühendis Ve Mimar Odaları Birliği İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İle Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü Arasında İmzalanan İş Bırlığı Protokolü

Building under construction:

Cyprus Museum Of Modern Arts

Note: The construction/building project is currently on going.


Konferans detayları için:


“AKADEMİK SEMİNERLER DİZİSİ – 2” 7 Ağustos Cuma günü gerçekleştiriliyor.

“AKADEMİK SEMİNERLER DİZİSİ – 1” 22 Ocak Çarşamba günü gerçekleştiriliyor.

ENÇESU 2019 Yayınları

1. Teksoy Başaran, S., Gökçekuş, H., Orhon, D., Sözen S. (2019). Autonomous desalination for improving resilience and sustainability of water management in North Cyprus. Desalination and Water Treatment.
2. Gelete, G., Gokcekus, H., &Gichamo, T. (2019). Impact of climate change on the hydrology of Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia: A review. Journal of Water and Climate Change. https://doi:10.2166/wcc.2019.014
3. Umar, I. K., & Gokcekus, H. (2019). Modeling severity of road traffic accident in Nigeria using artificial neural network. Jurnal Kejuruteraan, 32(2), 221–227. https://
4. Angin, M., Cubukcuoglu, B. and Gokcekus, H., (2019) The Impacts of Climate Change on Historical Buildings:Observations in Northern Cyprus as a Case Study, International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability Published by Penerbit UTM Press, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia; IJBES 6(3)/2019, 1-9
5. Kassem, Y. &Gökcekus, H., (2019). Water Resources and Rainfall Distribution Function: A Case Study in Lebanon. Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2019.24811
6. Gökcekus, H., D. U., Uzun, &Mustapha, M . (2019). Simulation and evaluation of water sterilization devices Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2020.25115
7. Aşiksoy, G., Isa, N. A. & Gökcekus, H. (2019). The role of mass media and level of education in spreading environmental sustainability awareness in developing countries. Desalination and Water Treatment. Https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2019.24833
8. Elkiran, G., Dahiru, A., & Gökcekus. (2019). Water resources management and trend of water use in North Cyprus. Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2020.25021
9. Gelete, G, Gökcekus, H., Ozsahin, D. U., Uzun, B., Gichamo, T. (2019). Evaluating disinfection techniques of water treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2020.25070
10. Gichamo, T., Gökcekus, H., Ozsahin, D. U., Uzun, B., Gelete, G. (2019). Evaluation of different natural wastewater treatment alternatives by fuzzy PROMETHEE method. Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2020.25049
11. Gökcekus, H., Kiralb, E., Kiralb, G., Einia, N., Uzun, B. (2019). Analysis and prediction of annual precipitation values in Cyprus. Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2020.25088
12. Gökcekus, H., Y. Kassem & Al Jamal, J. (2019). Analysis of Different Combinations of Meteorological Parameters in ‎Predicting the Rainfall ‎with ANN ‎Approach: A Case Study in Morphou, ‎Northern Cyprus. Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2020.24988
13. Yahya, M. N., Gökçekuş H., D. U. Ozsahin, Uzun, B. (2019). Evaluation of wastewater treatment technologies using TOPSIS, Desalination and Water Treatment. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2020.1088
14. Gökcekus, H., Iravanian, A., Türker, U., Oguz, G., Sözen, S., &Orhon, D. (2018). Massive freshwater transport: A new dimension for integrated water-wastewater management in North Cyprus. Desalination and Water Treatment, 132, 215-225. https://doi:10.5004/dwt.2018.23135.
15. Kassem, Y., Al Zoubi, R., &Gökçekuş, H. (2019). The Possibility of Generating Electricity Using ‎Small-Scale Wind Turbines and Solar Photovoltaic Systems for Households in Northern Cyprus: A ‎Comparative Study. Environments, 6(4), 47. https://doi:3390/environments6040047
16. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., & Zeitoun, M. (2019). Modeling of techno-economic assessment on wind ‎energy potential at three selected coastal regions in Lebanon. Modeling Earth Systems and ‎Environment. 5, 1037–1049. https://doi:10.1007/540808-019-00589-9
17. Aslanova, F., &Gokcekus, H. (2019). Foreign Nationals Perspectives About Climate Change Impacts on The Environment. ORBIS, 14(42), 5-14.
18. Aslanova, F., Gökçekuş, ‎H., &Alhadl, I. (2019). Attitudes and Behaviors of the University Students with Different Nationalities Towards the Use of Renewable Energy. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies. https://doi:10.14456/ITJEMAST.2019.62
19. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., & Çamur, H. (2019). Artificial neural networks for predicting the Electrical power of a new configuration of Savonius rotor. 10th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions – ICSCCW 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 872-879. https://
20. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., &Çamur, H. (2019). Prediction of Kinematic viscosity and Density of Biodiesel Produced from Waste Sunflower and Canola Oils Using ANN and RSM: Comparative Study. 10th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions – ICSCCW 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 872-879. https://
21. Kassem, Y., Gokcekus, H., &Filitoglu, Ü. B. (2019). Performance Characteristics of Building Integrated and Freestanding Photovoltaic System with Various PV Technologies and Angles: A Case Study in NEU Grand Library, North Nicosia. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 15(4), 1027–1042. https://doi:10.36478/jeasci.2020.1027.1042
22. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., &Çamur, H. (2019). Wind Speed Prediction of Four Regions in Northern Cyprus Prediction Using ARIMA and Artificial Neural Networks Models: A Comparison Study. 13th International Conference on Theory and Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing — ICAFS-2018 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 230-238. https://doi:10.1007/978-3-0-030-04164-9_32
23. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., &Çamur, H. (2019). Analysis of Prediction Models for Wind Power Density, Case Study: Ercan Area, Northern Cyprus. 13th International Conference on Theory and Application of Fuzzy Systems and Soft Computing — ICAFS-2018 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 99-106. Https://doi:10.1007/978-3-030-04164-9_16
24. Orhon, D., Alli B., Sözen, S. (2019). Which activated sludge configurations qualify for maximizing energy conservation – Why? Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 94, 556-568.
25. Sözen, S., Karaca, C., Alli, B., Orhon, D. (2019). Sludge footprint analysis of municipal treatment plant for the management of net useful energy generation beyond energy neutrality, Journal of Cleaner Production, 215, 1503-1515.
26. Sözen. S., Dulkadiroğlu, H., Yücel, A.B., Insel, G., Orhon, D. (2019). Pollutant footprint analysis for wastewater management in textile dye houses processing different fabrics, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 94, 1330-1340.
27. Pala-Özkök, I., Ubay-Cokgör, E., Jonas, D., Orhon, D. (2019). Kinetic and microbial response of activated sludge community to acute and chronic exposure to tetracycline, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 367, 418-426.
28. Gökçekuş, H., Yahya, M.N., Perneet, P., Orhon, D. (2019). Experimental basis of an emergency filtration system treating river flood water for rural areas in developing countries, Desalination and Water Treatment, 152, 133-138.
29. Insel, G., Sözen, S., Begüm, A.B., Gökçekuş, H., Orhon, D. (2019). Assessment of anoxic volume ratio based on hydrolysis kinetics for effective nitrogen removal: model evaluation, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 94, 1739-1751.
30. Başak, S., Güven, D., Çokgör, E., Orhon, D. (2019). Respirometric evaluation and modeling of the impact of continuous benzo[a]anthracene feeding on activated sludge, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 94, 2621-2629.
31. Cantekin, C., Taybuga, E.S., Yagci, N., Orhon, D. (2019). Potential for simultaneous nitrogen removal and sludge reduction of the oxic-settling-anaerobic process operated as a dual fed sequencing batch reactor, Journal of Environmental Management, 247, 394-400.
32. Sözen, S., Olmez-Hanci, T., Hosshmand, M., Orhon, D. (2019). Fenton oxidation for effective removal of color and organic matter from denim cotton wastewater without biological treatment, Environmental Chemistry Letters.
33. Hooshmand, M., Sözen, S., Şensoy, H.A., Orday, N., Yağci, N., Orhon, D. (2019). Color and pumice stone problems in denim processing effluents: Removal potential by integrated physical-chemical treatment, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
34. Bilici, Z., Ozbey Unal,B., Ozay, Y., Keskinler, B., Karagündüz, A., Orhon, D., Dizge, N. (2019). Pilot-scale dual-stage ceramic MBR and subsequent RO system for textile wastewater treatment and reusability of wastewater for dyeing process, Desalination and Water Treatment.
35. Orhon, D., Sözen, S. (2019) Reshaping the activated sludge process: has the time come or passed? Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology.
36. Gökçekuş, H., Orhon, D., Oğuz, G., Yücel A.B., Sözen, S. (2019). Integrated water and wastewater management strategy in North Cyprus – basis for an action plan. Desalination and Water Treatment.
37. Teksoy Başaran, S., Gökçekuş, H., Orhon, D., Sözen S. (2019). Autonomous desaslination for improving resilience and sustainability of water management in North Cyprus. Desalination and Water Treatment.
38. Gökçekuş, H., Orhon, D., Gelete Kebede, G., Abate, B., Narayanan, K., Sözen, S. (2019). Management strategy for safe drinking water in developing countries – A case study for Assela, Ethiopia: Desalination and Water Treatment.
39. Nourani, V., Behfar, N., Uzelaltinbulat, S., & Sadikoglu, F. (2020). Spatiotemporal precipitation modeling by artificial intelligence ‑ based ensemble approach. Environmental Earth Sciences. https://
40. Nourani, V., Elkiran, G., & Abdullahi, J. (2020). Multi-step ahead modeling of reference evapotranspiration using a multi- model approach. Journal of Hydrology, 581(December 2019), 124434. https://
41. Nourani, V., Gökçeku, H., Khalil, I., & Naja, H. (2020). An emotional artificial neural network for prediction of vehicular traffic noise, Science of the Total Environment 707. https://
42. Abba, S. I., Nourani, V., & Elkiran, G. (2019). Multi-parametric modeling of water treatment plant using AI-based non-linear ensemble. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, 68(7), 547–561. https://
43. Ahmadi, A., Afshar, A. A., Nourani, V., Pourreza-bilondi, M., & Besalatpour, A. A. (2019). Assessment of MC&MCMC uncertainty analysis frameworks on SWAT model by focusing on future runoff prediction in a mountainous watershed via CMIP5 models. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 1–19. https://
44. Nourani, V., & Farboudfam, N. (2019). Rainfall time series disaggregation in mountainous regions using hybrid wavelet-artificial intelligence methods. Environmental Research, 168(September 2018), 306–318. https://
45. Nourani, V., Ghasemzade, M., Mehr, A. D., & Sharghi, E. (2018). Investigating the effect of hydroclimatological variables on Urmia Lake water level using wavelet coherence measure. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 1–17. https://
46. Danandeh Mehr, A., Nourani, V., Karimi Khosrowshahi, V., & Ghorbani, M. A. (2019). A hybrid support vector regression–firefly model for monthly rainfall forecasting. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 16(1), 335–346. https://
47. Rajaee, T., Ebrahimi, H., & Nourani, V. (2019). A review of the artificial intelligence methods in groundwater level modeling. Journal of Hydrology, (December 2018). https://
48. Nourani, V., Elkiran, G., Abdullahi, J., & Tahsin, A. (2019). Multi-region modeling of daily global solar radiation with artificial intelligence ensemble. Natural Resources Research. https://
49. Sharghi, E., Nourani, V., Molajou, A., & Najafi, H. (2019). Conjunction of emotional ANN ( EANN ) and wavelet transform for rainfall-runoff modeling. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 21(1), 136–152. https://
50. Baghanam, A. H., Nourani, V., Keynejad, M.-A., Taghipour, H., & Alami, M.-T. (2019). Conjunction of wavelet-entropy and SOM clustering for multi-GCM statistical downscaling. Hydrology Research, 50(1), 1–23. https://
51. Nourani, V., Tajbakhsh, A. D., & Molajou, A. (2019). Data mining based on wavelet and decision tree for rainfall-runoff simulation. Hydrology Research, 50(1), 75–84. https://
52. Nourani, V., Uzelaltinbulat, S., Sadikoglu, F., & Behfar, N. (2019). Artificial intelligence-based ensemble modeling for multi-station prediction of precipitation. Atmosphere, 10(2), 80. https://
53. Nourani, V., Tajbakhsh, A. D., Molajou, A., & Gokcekus, H. (2019). Hybrid Wavelet-M5 Model Tree for Rainfall-runoff Modeling. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 24(5). https://
54. Sharghi, E., Nourani, V., Najafi, H., & Gokcekus, H. (2019). Conjunction of a newly proposed emotional ANN (EANN) and wavelet transform for suspended sediment load modeling. Water Supply, 1–9. https://
55. Azad, A., Manoochehri, M., Kashi, H., Farzin, S., & Karami, H. (2019). Comparative evaluation of intelligent algorithms to improve adaptive neuro- fuzzy inference system performance in precipitation modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 571(February), 214–224. https://
56. Nourani, V., Molajou, A., Tajbakhsh, A. D., & Najafi, H. (2019). A Wavelet Based Data Mining Technique for Suspended Sediment Load Modeling. Water Resources Management (2019), 33, 1769–1784.
57. Nima Farboudfam, Nourani, V., & Aminnejad, B. (2019). Wavelet-based multi station disaggregation of rainfall time series in mountainous regions. Hydrology Research, 50(2), 545–561. https://
58. Sharghi, E., Nourani, V., Aliashrafi, A., & Gökçeku, H. (2019). Monitoring effluent quality of wastewater treatment plant by clustering based artificial neural network method. Desalination and Water Treatment, 164, 24385. https://
59. Nourani, V., Molajou, A., Uzelaltinbulat, S., & Sadikoglu, F. (2019). Emotional artificial neural networks (EANNs) for multi-step ahead prediction of monthly precipitation; case study: Northern Cyprus. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2019), 138, 1419–1434.
60. Nourani, V., Elkiran, G., & Abdullahi, J. (2019). Multi-station artificial intelligence-based ensemble modeling of reference evapotranspiration using pan evaporation measurements. Journal of Hydrology, 577(July), 123958. https://
61. Elkiran, G., Nourani, V., & Abba, S. I. (2019). Multi-step ahead modelling of river water quality parameters using ensemble artificial intelligence-based approach. Journal of Hydrology, 577(April), 123962. https://
62. Sharghi, E., Nourani, V., Behfar, N., & Tayfur, G. (2019). Data pre-post processing methods in AI-based modeling of seepage through earthen dams. Measurement, 147, 106820. https://
63. Dąbrowska, D., Sołtysiak, M., Biniecka, P., Michalska, J., & Wasilkowski, D. (2019). Application of hydrogeological and biological research for the lysimeter experiment performance under simulated municipal landfill condition. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 21(6), 1477–1487. https://
64. Andaryani, S., Nourani, V., Trolle, D., Dehghani, M., & Mokhtari, A. (2019). Assessment of land use and climate change effects on land subsidence using a hydrological model and radar technique. Journal of Hydrology, 578(August), 124070. https://
65. Nourani, V., Jabbarian, N., Sharghi, E., & Khosravi, A. (2019). Estimation of prediction interval in ANN-based multi-GCMs downscaling of hydro-climatologic parameters. Journal of Hydrology, 579(September), 124226. https://
66. Nourani, V., Gökçekuş, H., & Umar, I. K. (2019). Artificial intelligence-based ensemble model for prediction of vehicular traffic noise. Environmental Research, 108852. https://
67. Samaei, M., Ranjbarnia, M., Nourani, V., & Zare, M. (2019). Performance prediction of tunnel boring machine through developing high accuracy equations: A case study in adverse geological condition. Measurement, (xxxx), 107244. https://
68. Nourani, V., Razzaghzadeh, Z., Baghanam, A. H., & Molajou, A. (2019). ANN-based statistical downscaling of climatic parameters using decision tree predictor screening method. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 137(3–4), 1729–1746. https://
69. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., Mizran, M., &Alsayas, S. (2019). Evaluation of the Wind Energy Potential in Lebanon’s Coastal Regions using Weibull Distribution Function. International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 1(6), 784-792.
70. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., Çamur, H., & Hasan, R. (2019). Thermal Analysis and Characteristics of Refine/Waste Canola Biodiesel under Long-Term storage in Ambient Condition. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(11), 2748-2756.
71. Gökçekuş, H., Ozsahin, D., & Al-Othman, D. (2019). Evaluation of the Impact of Sustainable Transportation Alternatives on Environment Using Fuzzy PROMETHEE Method. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8), 2354-2359.
72. Abazid, M., Gökçekus, H., &Çelik, T. (2019). Study of the Quality concepts Implementation in the Construction of Projects in Saudi Arabia by using building information Modelling (BIM). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(3), 84-87
73. ALMuhisen, M., Gökçekuş, H. &Abazid, M. (2019). Study of redesign for commercial environmental building. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(4), 1-5.
74. ALMuhisen, M., &Gökçekuş, H. (2019). The Most common factors effecting ground water quality. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(3), 79-83.
75. Abazid, M. &Gökçekuş, H. (2019). Application of Total Quality Management in Saudi Arabia Construction Project. Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 11(3).
76. Gökçekuş, H., Kassem, Y., & Musa, M. (2019). Behavior of Asphalt Pavement Structure Under Influenced Of Alteration Climatic Condition. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8).
77. Gökçekuş, H., Kassem, Y., &Tallawi, G. (2019). Evaluation of Traffic Congestion and Level of Service at Major Intersections in Lefkoşa, Northern Cyprus. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8).
78. Gökçekuş, H., Kassem, Y., & Abdi, S. (2019). Simulation and performance analysis of 110 KWP grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system for residential building in Northern Cyprus. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(8).
79. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., &AbuGharara, M. (2019). An Investigation on Wind Energy Potential in Nalut, Libya, using Weibull Distribution. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(10), 2474-2482.
80. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., & Faraj, R. (2019). Evaluation of the Wind Energy Potential in Libya’s Eastern Mediterranean Coast Area Using Weibull Distribution Function. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(10), 2483-2491.
81. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., &Alsayas, S. (2019). Freestanding PV solar system- -example of Lefke town in Northern Cyprus. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(11), 2522-2526.
82. Kassem, Y., Gökçekuş, H., & Hassan, M. (2019). Evaluation of Wind Potential at Eight Selected Locations in Northern Lebanon Using Open Source Data. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(11), 2789-2794.
83. Gökçekuş, H., Kassem, Y., & Ikechukwu, O.E. (2019). An assessment on relationship of agricultural sub-sectors with GDP in Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(10).
84. Mekuriaw, T., & Gökçekuş, H. (2019). The Impacts of Climate Change on the Water Quality in Ethiopia. International Journal of Innovative Studies in Sciences and Engineering Technology, 5(1).‎
85. Gichamo, T. &Gökçekuş, H. (2019). İnterrelation between climate change and solid waste. Journal of environmental pollution and control, 2(1).‎ 104
86. Gökçekuş, H., Kassem, Y., & Omari, Q. (2019). Selection the Best Technique for Solid Waste Management at Misurata city, Libya. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 8(9), 1250-1257.
87. Almahdi, M., Gökçekuş, H., Kassem, Y. (2019). Relationship between Asphalt Concrete and Accident a Case Study of Libya. International Research ‎Journal of Engineering and Technology, 6(6).‎